Katie's Korner

Thursday, August 18, 2005

There is no try....

There is do...or do not.
Today the most amazing thing happened to me.  
I have been blessed with the most wonderful child.  He is special in many ways.  He is smart, and funny.   Beautiful, and loving.   Kind, and gentle.
He also has his own set of special problems.   One of his tiny setbacks is Asbergers syndrome.  
One of the "side effects" or should I say symptoms...is that they are very obsessive compulsive.  He is the Power Ranger expert.  Has been the Red Ranger for 4 years in a row, and yes, it is slated for this year as well.
Red is his favorite color.  I have even found red socks!
Today we went shopping for a light saber at his request.  We went to Toys R' Us and we located them quickly.  There was an array of colors.  I quickly sorted thru them, as I always do, searching for red.    He was searching the rack next to me as well.
He pulled out a green one and said "MOM!   This is it"   I looked at him perplexed and said "Honey, but he isn't red."   His reply... "Moooommmmmm  it is a light saber???????   It has to be green, for the most powerful Jedi Master?????  Yoda????"  
You are wondering why this made me so happy?   I am a big Star Wars fan...I dragged him to see Star Wars with me a few months back...he seemed nothing but scared by the movie.
Yet somehow...he realized that Yoda rocks.  
A tiny peice of me is twining with his personality.   The tapestry lives on....

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A wedding is a funeral....

Where you can smell your own flowers.....

I heard that quote in a comedy at work the other day and found it not only very funny, but quite interesting.

Now, first off, this movie had to be at least 50 years old.   It starred Ethel Merman when she was young and quite gorgeous.

There was, of course, very little special effects.   The acting was superb, the lines delivered flawlessly.   The sets were elaborate and captivating.

All that being said if they played it in a theatre today the place would be empty after the first 10 minutes.   We are a culture who goes to the movies now expecting vivid colors (this flick was b&w) action filled car chases, and computerized effects that defy all logic.     

It doesn't matter if someone can act as long as they are camera friendly.  It doesn't matter if 99% of the movie was done in front of a blue screen.   We walk away feeling entertained.   Somehow I don't call that moving forward.

On a totally different train of thought I found the quote  (a wedding is a funeral where you can smell your own flowers)  ironic because even back then marriage was looked at as more of a chore than a channel of happiness.   In that, I think we have stayed basically the same.......

This ball and chain signing off.

Thursday, August 04, 2005


I was thinking on my way into work today that I have not seen a butterfly all year.
As luck would have it I logged onto a friend of mines blogspot this morning and lo and behold it held a picture of a butterly in it.  :)

Now, in my first and only blog I had decided that I needed my entries to always be light and bitchfree so i thought the butterfly topic would go down well.

The downside to that is that I am far from a naturalist so do not know anything about butterflies besides the fact that I find them beautiful, and graceful.   Does this count as knowledge?  I think not.

And so ends the butterfly blog.   Maybe tomorrow i will do a bird one......

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

How to begin a Blogspot

I have been floundering on how to begin a blog since my friend Harold and I set up my blogger name earlier in the week.

Should it read like a diary, like a daily log?    I just don't know.

I do know however that I don't want it to turn into a bitchfest which I have a tendency to do.

I actually contemplated calling it Katies Lighthouse to remind myself to keep it light.

We'll see where the path follows......